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Our industry is in upheaval: We are ready to take on the challenge this presents – with an ambitious attitude, new working methods and innovative solutions.

Together we are smarter

With our interdisciplinary approach, all team members are involved with their respective fields of expertise, their experiences, strengths, methods and knowledge.

IPD – Integrated Project Delivery

Burckhardt is one of still very few architectural offices in the German-speaking countries to work on a project using the integrated project delivery (IPD) method: the GBD 149 research and laboratory complex for the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing. The collaborative approach of IPD fundamentally reforms conventional project management across many levels, with the aim of realizing complex construction projects more successfully in terms of quality, deadlines, and costs.
In this interview, the members of our IPD team have told us about their experiences with the new method.

Opportunities presented by digitalization

Building is a team sport. Collaboration – and the impact we achieve through it – is crucial.

Paul Curschellas, VDC/BIM Manager

Flexible forms of work

BIM facilitates our collaboration

Building Information Modeling, or BIM for short, facilitates networked, collaborative construction planning. The integration of the software spans the entire value-added process of a building and goes far beyond the planning itself. For it to be applied successfully, traditional roles in the planning process have to first be redefined. Architect Filip Coso on the application of BIM at Burckhardt.

My commitment to a high quality of architecture motivates me in every project.

Christoph Jantos, Member of the Basel Site Management