
Vernissage at the Attisholz site
On 30.03.2023, at the invitation of the building owner Halter AG, the vernissage took place on the occasion of the study architecture competition at the Attisholz site. Our winning competition team with Christoph Jantos, Edward Nicholson, Ana Alirangues, Eduardo Gamez, Migle Benortaite and Julio Munoz Gutiérrez, accompanied by our two Co-CEO’s Samuel Schultze and Wolfgang Hardt were on site to present our contribution to the pioneer house Kocherei of the industrial area.
Competition winner «The Pioneer House» by Burckhardt presented
«The contribution is particularly impressive due to its exciting, playful-looking and yet precisely elaborated volumetry with many views and vistas, the differentiated networking of the open spaces, the diverse flat typologies and communal areas and, last but not least, its architectural expression», according to the excerpt from the Halter AG press release. The site in Riedholz is one of the largest contiguous development areas in the Solothurn region. Surrounded by a picturesque landscape, it embeds itself like an island in the rural surroundings. The attractive buildings, some of which are of historical significance, bear witness to many years of industrial use as a cellulose factory. Halter AG committed itself to the generation project a few years ago, and the first building component of the transformation project is now being tackled with the Kochereigebäude. Residential space, culture, gastronomy and commercial space will bring this distinctive place to life and make it known beyond the region.