
Launch of the «Burckhardt» brand
For over 70 years, the architectural office Burckhardt+Partner has been a leader in Switzerland and has also operated successfully on the international stage. With eight locations in Switzerland and Germany and the subsidiaries Burckhardt Entwicklungen and Burckhardt Immobilien, the company has continued to grow and evolve. As of today, the group of companies will operate under the new brand name of «Burckhardt».
High recognizability and strengthening of the whole corporate identity
«From the perspective of our long and eventful history, this step we are now taking to position ourselves with a clear brand represents a major milestone,» Co-CEO Samuel Schultze explains. The new name focuses purely on Burckhardt, which stands for the origin of the company. The new design acts as a frame for the uniform presentation of all business areas. «As part of our corporate strategy, the striking brand identity strengthens our sense of togetherness as well as our image to the outside, creating a high level of recognizability in the process,» Co-CEO Wolfgang Hardt explains, and adds: «With the new design concept and the powerful word-and-design mark, we will shape the future collectively.»
People, magazine character and togetherness
The new website shows what we have already been living out in the corporate culture for a long time. «We place a great value on our togetherness. It is one of the four brand values that reflect our corporate culture,» Silke Tetzlaff, Head of Communications, explains. The architectural projects will take center stage and will be presented on the website in magazine style. Sufficient space will be left for key figures, quotations and dialogs.