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01.02.2024,  News

ETH Zurich puts the LED solar simulator into operation in the Burckhardt Architektur building

Today, 1 February 2024, the LED solar simulator was put into operation in the Zero Carbon Building Systems Laboratory.

The Zero Carbon Building Systems Laboratory (ZCBS) is a unique, state-of-the-art testing and research facility for building systems initiated by the Chair of Architecture and Building Systems at ETH Zurich. The laboratory is a milestone in research into sustainable building and has unique measuring and testing equipment. It is a place of development and a showcase for research results and is located on the Hönggerberg campus of ETH Zurich.

Burckhardt has built this research. Burckhardt developed this research, experimentation and test laboratory on behalf of and in close collaboration with the Chair of Architecture and Building Systems. In the New building, components for the energy supply and air conditioning of buildings can be tested under controlled conditions. The highest demands on functionality and precise specifications for the materialisation are combined in the concise and appealing New building.

You can find more information about the LED solar simulator here.
Watch the video of the LED sun simulator here.


Photos: René Dürr

LED solar simulator

Credits Photos: Solarsimulator im Zero Carbon Building Systems Lab, ETH Zürich
© Architecture and Building Systems, ETH Zurich. Photo: Girts Apskalns

Credits Video: Zero Cabon Building Systems Lab & Solar Simulator at ETH Zurich, 2023
© Architecture and Building Systems, ETH Zurich. Video: Girts Apskalns

Credits Project: Zero Carbon Buildings Systems Lab, 2022
© Professur für Architektur und Gebäudesysteme, ETH Zürich, Emch+Berger lmmoConsult, Burckhardt