
Burckhardt wins contract for new research building in Berlin-Adlershof
The historically grown technology and science location Berlin-Adlershof is considered an internationally recognised research location. Now a new building with around 18,000m2 of floor space is to be constructed on the site at «Groß-Berliner Damm 149».
Burckhardt will take over the object planning for the realisation of the new building, which will be executed as an integrated project execution (IPA). The project is under high time pressure and is scheduled to be handed over to the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) in 2028. «We are very much looking forward to the start of this extraordinary project, where we are able to contribute our expertise in the realisation of research buildings», explains Carsten Krafft, Managing Director of Burckhardt’s Berlin office.
In addition to space for laboratories and workshops, experimental and test halls as well as offices for various departments will be realised. Furthermore, the interior design will consider an attractive working environment and variable working areas for the employees.
Media release Burckhardt (german)
Client: Bundesanstalt für Immobilienaufgaben (BImA) represented by Bundesbau Baden-Württemberg
User: Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)